Penny Lane is big on supporting our people and our environment and we cannot think of a more apt time to really start talking and acting on this. We believe that self sufficiency, sustainable living and ethical practices can all contribute toward health and lifestyle and toward healing, if not restoring, our earth to it's natural state
We are in this together!
We are in this together!

First of all Penny Lane would like to take this time to thank all for your support and compassion.
We would like to honour our beautiful labels who are adjusting and doing their best at moving ever so elegantly through this situation.
We would like to send absolute gratitude to those who are vulnerable on the frontline of this pandemic and who are helping every single day throughout hospitals, nursing homes and care centres.
True bravery and dedication so thank you.
Our hearts go out to all who are effected emotionally, struggling financially, who's health is compromised and for those who have been hit already by this mass economic stressor, along with everyone experiencing this rapid change.
We send you strength, calm, warmth and courage.
.......................................................................................................We send you strength, calm, warmth and courage.
We have taken this time to do bit of light reading and writing as there has been just overwhelming amounts of information that has been leading to immense panic and stress.
Love PL x

As fear and uncertainty circulate amongst us, it is difficult to slow down and contemplate any sort of silver lining. However, if there is one thing we should take note of, it is HEALTH.
The health of yourself, the health of each other and the health of our Earth.
The health of yourself, the health of each other and the health of our Earth.
This rapid change has already impacted on so many lives that it is forcing us to prioritise and reassess our thoughts and actions.
Our loved ones, our health, our connections, our indifferences, understanding that working together we are far stronger, the way in we treat others, how we can help one another, our communities and of course, the forever warned impact on our earth.
Let's not let this be the new norm.

In such difficult times, this silver lining can be the healing of the Earth.
*Here are a few things that may bring a moment of peace.
Already -
People are beginning to utilise their services:
Humbled mosques and temples are opening their doors for the homeless and those in need.
Music echoes from open windows as a form of communication and comfort.

Some are helping as much as they can by offering food and shelter to those less fortunate.
ITALY - "As they looked down from their balconies, they saw something many of them had never seen in their decades living in the city. Transparent water was flowing through their canals, and in it all manner of aquatic life."
“I honestly believe we should take the opportunity of this lockdown to reflect and see how we can be more organised in the future to find a balance between the city and tourism.”

CHINA - There has been a significant decrease in dark smog and CO2
"All over China, the average density of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide - a toxic chemical that reduces immunity - has dropped significantly below normal levels"

"I'm in the central city of China-Wuhan, today the weather is very good, the blue sky, birds and trees have grown green! Under the control of the virus outbreak, our city will usher in a beautiful spring!"
"We would very much advocate for China to foster this opportunity to transform its economy, to break apart from the old"
"As a country that produces a third of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, for China to reduce its ecological footprint would be a huge step to a sustainable planet"

This light on the dark, however, does not mean that the COVID-19 is beneficial in itself, it instead means that the way our economies operate, we are unable to have a clear vision of what could be, so unfortunately this has taken a pandemic to enable us to see it.
Well, that is all from the PL news desk ha! Hope you enjoyed a little of the light.
With Love
Penny Lane The Store x

*Support small and local business where you can, support those in need and support one another.
Remain humble.
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